
Digital Imaging

A Digital Artist of Vintage Photography at the Photo Shoppe

My Work Experience

I also work as a Photoshop Artist, Digital Imagist, and Photo Lab Technician. This position enables me to do fulfilling work that interests me. I love having the opportunity to expand my knowledge about vintage photographic mediums and other technology through digital imaging, just as much as the challenge of digitally restoring a photograph or creating digital art.

I majored in Multimedia because it fulfilled my many talents, both artistic and technical. This job utilizes all those skills. It has also allowed me to come full circle in my photography career by learning the process of developing and printing my own images.

Thus, my own photography has been defined from this position. Restoring old photographs and retouching modern images has not only given me the skill to realistically edit and improve my own images through a greater understanding of lighting and shadows, but has also taught me the importance of capturing a well exposed and properly focused photograph. My experience with digitizing old negatives, slides, and other vintage photographic mediums, such as tintypes and daguerreotypes, inspires me to clearly communicate and preserve each special moment that will become the past.

ambrotype tintype glass negs sign audio reel matboard tape

Tasks I have done over the years working at the Photo Shop include, but are certainly not limited to: